Friday, April 5, 2019


How many times have you lost self-control over an emotional situation that got you into trouble with others? 

When you look back and examine the root causes of your emotional outburst, you will find that emotion played a big part in your actions and caused you to regret over it. The pain will haunt you for the rest of your life, one way or the other. This is because in the scheme of things, emotion complicates matters.  Upon analysis, it may not even be your fault or it is simply a misunderstanding over a matter that should not arise at all if we keep our emotion in check. However, this is easier said than done.

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Our emotion is an element that is very strong and it lies deep within our subconscious mind. There are those who believe that logic is an antithesis of emotion. From a psychological perspective, there is some basis to it. Our logical faculty is controlled by the conscious mind whereas emotion is the domain of the subconscious. If we do not learn to control our emotion, it will control us.  This is when our destiny becomes enmeshed with our emotion and we find it hard to escape. 

Our birth chart has elements that control us, positively and/or negatively. We are at the mercy of these elements if we do not know what to do with it. We are who we are by character traits and personality. By knowing our inner self and what drives us emotionally, we can learn to control our responses when confronted with a difficult situation. If we just go with our elements, a situation may develop into a problem. 

Some motivational speakers believe that the quality of our lives depend on the quality of our communication. If we say, write or act in an incendiary manner in the heat of the moment, we let our emotions set the tone of our communication and connection with others. And when push comes to shove, our rationality takes a back seat to our emotion.  All senses of diplomacy and tact are lost in the battleground for supremacy of our viewpoints and opinions. This leads to arguments, quarrels, misunderstanding and broken relationships.

When we are controlled by the negative elements in our birth chart, we are driven by emotional energy that can only get stronger through acts of habits. This is why it is important that we control our emotion and not let it ruin our lives. Being human is complex in itself. There are emotions that strengthen us spiritually such as empathy, compassion, love, etc. There are also emotions that weaken us when we are not in control of it such as anger, hate, vengeance, etc.  And whether we are happy or sad, such emotions stems from our thoughts and how we perceive things in life. It is rooted in our mind. How we think on a conscious level affects how we emote on the subconscious level.

When we change our thoughts, we can change our luck and life. Our emotion is a game changer in our destiny and how we control our emotion decides how our destiny plays out. And our mind ultimately holds the trump card to win the game of life in our quest for success and happiness. 

Find success by finding your luck at my websites Bazidestiny and Proactive-qi.

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